
News only, 2014


EVA PREPAID: a Social Media Success Story, thanks to Lekkerland and VOK DAMS

Wow – this is a proper social media success story. The challenge was to increase the Facebook’s EVA PREPAID Community to at least 25,000 until the end of 2013. The hybrid specialists of the agency for events and live-marketing VOK DAMS, who had been taken on board by Lekkerland AG & Co. KG to support reaching this aim, congratulated the Lekkerland team on the amazing results.

Already at the beginning of October 2013, the magic sound barrier of 50,000 was broken – currently the community counts more than 75,000 and counting. EVA is the personification of an innovative concept to sell prepaid “e-va” (electronic value) products of Lekkerland, the wholesaler for on-the-go consumption.

The reason behind the rapid growth of the EVA PREPAID Community are the many several EVA activities, which VOK DAMS developed and implemented over the past 2 years in close cooperation with Lekkerland. Current activity is the EVA SuperCode. With each purchase of an e-va product at one of the 20,000 e-va terminals all over Germany, the client receives a SuperCode, which can be entered at the EVA PREPAID Facebook site, to take part in an attractive raffle every month. Of course, with having to “like” it first.

Thus, this social media campaign increased the degree of brand awareness within the relevant target groups in an especially likeable manner and contributed to massively expanding the EVA Community.

For current information on EVA PREPAID see www.facebook.com/evaprepaid




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