Purchasing Optimisation in Event and Live-Marketing
VOK DAMS and SCALUE combine forces
The leading agency for events and live-marketing VOK DAMS and automated purchasing analysis specialists SCALUE are combining their knowhow and experience to optimise costs and potential savings in purchasing of event and live-marketing services. These purchase optimisation services offered are an industry first for companies active in the event and live-marketing field.
SCALUE offers a strategic and independent purchasing controlling platform, providing process and cost optimisation opportunities in seconds, at the touch of a button. VOK DAMS now supports SCALUE with event and live-marketing knowhow. The common objective is to visualize and simplify the convoluted interconnected relationships between innovation and costs, ultimately increasing cost-cutting potential, while simultaneously assessing the value contributions of suppliers.
"Innovative solutions boost the image of our clients among their target groups. At the other hand, innovation budgets aren’t infinite and need to be allocated efficiently. With SCALUE, we offer an independent platform that identifies optimisation potential for purchasing in the area of event and live-marketing. We are confident in our cooperation with SCALUE and believe that this kind of professional purchasing analysis will lead to new and more lucrative event and live-marketing opportunities", said Colja Dams, CEO of VOK DAMS.