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Keynote at Live! Conference 2015 Bratislava

As the main organizer, the association of Slovak event agencies organized Live! Conference 2015 in Bratislava. The focus of this year's conference was the important issue of effectiveness and added value of live experiences in marketing communications.

Colja M. Dams, CEO of VOK DAMS Group, addressed "Live Campaigns: Trends in Events. New dialog ideas from digital to live experiences" in his keynote. The ensuing discussion illustrated the important function of Live Marketing in successful brand communication.

The presentation of Colja M. Dams was met with great enthusiasm. This was no accident, as his keynote showed no less than an upgrading of the entire marketing discipline “event” and live marketing.

In the center of this explanations stood the innovative marketing approach Live Campaigns; strategic interventions that further highlight the importance of events in the marketing mix. The channel “live” in campaigns will no longer be a communication channel amongst many. By responding ideally to the needs of different target groups, live becomes the content provider of the campaign and thus, their epicenter.
Simple campaigns become Live Campaigns.

By means of examples such as Lamborghini and BASF, Colja Dams demonstrated the strong creative and strategic component that the agency group VOK DAMS incorporates to be able to present new, compelling and sustainable solutions to clients. With success, as becomes obvious when taking into account the agencies’ position as one of the leading international agencies for events and live marketing.


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