SERVICEProduct Launch
EVONIKStrategic Solutions
Evonik Industries
We completely covered the concern’s headquarters in the center of Essen with three layers and then gradually unveiled the new brand name. The campaign aimed at saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new in a sympathetic way. The high-rise building disappeared under cover with only the upper layer visible, shining in all colors of the rainbow. During the night to September 3, this “skin” of the building came down: exposing first the words “Guten Tag” and “Hi.” Bit by bit the unveiled words formed the sentences “Guten Tag, ich bin neu hier!” as well as “Hi, I’m the new one!”
Visually it became clear: “Something is happening. The process of change has begun!” During the final stage of unveiling the building, the last layer was “blasted open” in a spectacular way, revealing the new logo and slogan.
Besides the powerful external unveiling, we staged the internal communication of the new brand as well. At a conference at the Duisburg-Nord Country Park on the previous day, the executives of the group were informed about the corporate name change”.
In parallel with the event on site, we coordinated a 42-day-long road show to the 33 sites of the company to introduce the new brand to the employees. Balloons and huge banners visualized the brand’s appearance in the new corporate color, deep purple. In photo booths, Evonik’s employees had the opportunity to become part of the existing campaign.